Vitamin A
Sources :
Liver, green leafy vegetables, green and red bell peppers, fish live oil, egg yolk.
Importance :
Converted in the body into vitamin A, which is essential for good eyesight and night vision, for bone formation and normal body growth of skin and teeth. Acts as an antioxidant.
Nutrient Destroyers :
Absorption inhibited by caffeine, mineral oil, alcohol, excessive iron and vitamin D deficiency.
Deficiency Symptoms :
Night blindness, rough dry, scaly skin, increased susceptibility to infections, loss of appetite, fatigue, insomnia, depression, brittle nails and dull hair.
Vitamin B Complex
Sources :
Whole grains, liver, meat, eggs, nuts, bean, fish, bean, fish, brewer's yeast.
Importance :
Metabolism of carbohydrate, protein and fat. Helps in nervous system function, maintains healthy muscle tone in the intestinal tract, maintains skin, hair, eye, mouth and liver health.
Nutrient Destroyers:
Absorption inhibited by caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, sleeping oils, estrogen drugs, antibiotics and stress.
Deficiency Symptoms :
Dry, rough, cracked skin, acne, dull, dry or grey hair. Fatigue, poor appetite and gastrointestinal health.
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
Sources :
Whole grains, brewer's yeast, meat, legumes (peas), nuts.
Importance :
Metabolism of carbohydrate. Helps maintain healthy nervous system. Stimulates growth and muscle tone. Stabilise the appetite.
Nutrient Destroyers :
Absorption inhibited by caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, stress, fever, raw clams.
Deficiency Symptoms :
Gastrointestinal problems, fatigue, loss of appetite, nervous disorders, heart disorders.
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
Sources :
Eggs, organ meats, milk, almonds, mushrooms, seaweed, dark green leafy vegetables.
Importance :
Metabolism of carbohydrate, protein and fat. Aids in formation of antibodies and red blood cells. Maintains cell respiration.
Nutrient Destroyers :
Absorption inhibited by caffeine, alcohol, sugar and tobacco.
Deficiency Symptoms :
Mouth sores and cracks, dermatitis, retarded growth and digestive disturbances.
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
Sources :
Brewer's yeast, organ meats, fish, legumes, (peas), whole grains.
Importance :
Metabolism of carbohydrate, protein and fat. Maintains healthy skin, tongue and digestive system. Improves ciriculation.
Nutrient Destroyers :
Absorption inhibited by caffeine, alcohol, sugar and antibiotics.
Deficiency Symptoms :
Nervous disorders, headaches, insomnia, digestive disturbances, sore mouth and gums.
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)
Sources :
Whole grains, legumes (peas), brewer's yeast, egg yolk, organ meats.
Importance :
Release of energy form carbohydrate, protein and fat. Needed for synthesis of steriods and steriod hormones. Improves stress resistance.
Nutrient Destroyers :
Absorption inhibited by caffeine, alcohol and sugar.
Deficiency Symptoms :
Increased susceptibility to infection, gastrointestinal disturbance, depression, fatigue, restlessness and vomiting.
Vitamin B6 (Pyrodoxine)
Sources : Orgain meats, brewer's yeast, whole grains, fish, legumes (peas), bananas, avocados.
Importance :
Promotes amino acid metabolism. Aids synthesis of antibodies. Helps maintain sodium and phosphorus balance.
Nutrient Destroyers :
Absorption inhibited by alcohol, birth control pills, tobacco, caffeine, radiation exposure.
Deficiency Symptoms :
Anemia, mouth disorders, nervousness, muscular weakness, dermatitis, dandruff and water retention.
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamine)
Sources :
Organ Meats, clams, crabs, oysters, eggs and fish.
Importance :
Normal nerve transmission. Aids in metabolism and transport of fats. Helps regulate liver and gallbladder health.
Nutrient Destroyers :
Absorption inhibited by tobacco, caffeine, alcohol and most laxatives.
Deficiency Symptoms :
Fatigue, anaemia, stunted growth in children and nervousness.
Sources :
Egg yolk, organ meats, brewer's yeast, legumes (peas), nuts.
Importance :
Metabolism of carbohydrates, amino acids and fatty acids. Involved in energy generation. Aids utilisation of other B vitamins.
Nutrient Destroyers :
Absorption inhibited by alcohol, caffeine, raw egg white.
Deficiency Symptoms :
Dermatitis, depression, muscle pain, poor fat metabolism and poor appetite.
Sources :
Whole grains, beans, nuts, brewer's yeast, fish, egg yolk, organ meats.
Importance :
DNA synthesis and red blood formation. Maintains healthy nervous system.
Nutrient Destroyers :
Absorption inhibited sugar, alcohol, caffeine.
Deficiency Symptoms :
Fatty liver, high blood pressure and hemorrhaging kidneys.
Folic Acid
Sources :
Brewer's yeast, dark green leafy vegetables, fruits, organ meats.
Importance :
Red blood cell formation and DNA synthesis. Aids metabolism of proteins. Necessary for growth and division of body cells.
Nutrient Destroyers :
Absorption inhibited by stress, alcohol, caffeine, tobacco.
Deficiency Symptoms :
Reproductive disorders, poor growth, anemia, poor memory, graying and loss of hair and gastrointestinal disorders.
Sources :
Citrus fruits, whole grains, nuts, milk, meats, brewer's yeast.
Importance :
Necessary for lecithin formation. Vital for hair growth. Metabolises fats and cholesterol.
Nutrient Destroyers :
Absorption inhibited by sugar, alcohol, caffeine, tobacco.
Deficiency Symptoms :
Constipation, eczema, hair loss, high blood cholesterol.
Sources :
Liver, brewer's yeast. kidney, whole grains, molasses.
Importance :
Promotes healthy intestinal flora and production of folic acid, aids in breakdown and utilisation of proteins. Participates in formation of red blood cells. Acts as a sun screen.
Nutrient Destroyers :
Absorption inhibited by caffeine, alcohol, estrogen drugs, sulfa drugs.
Deficiency Symptoms :
Fatigue, irritability, depression, nervousness, constipation, headaches, digestive disorders, graying hair.
Vitamin C
Sources :
Fruits, tomatoesm green pepper, alfalfa, broccoli.
Importance :
An antioxidant. Needed for collagen formation. Essential for tissue repair. Fights bacteria and viruses. Maintains vascular health, increases iron absorption.
Nutrient Destroyer :
Absorption inhibited by mineral oil, birth control pills, chlorine, rancid fats and oils.
Deficiency Symptoms :
Bleeding gums, slow healingof wounds and fractures, nosebleeds, impaired digestion.
Vitamin D
Sources : Fish liver oil, egg yolk, liver.
Importance :
Regulates calcium and phosphorus absorption an excretion, blood calcium level and bone formation. Maintains stable nervous system and heart action.
Nutrient Destroyers :
Absorption inhibited by mineral oil.
Deficiency Symptoms :
Poor bone and tooth formation, weakening of bones and teeth, stunted growth, lack of vigor, nervousness.
Vitamin E
Sources :
Leaft vegetables, egg yolk, whole grains, wheat germ, seeds and nuts.
Importance :
An antioxidant and anticogulant. Protects fat-soluable vitamin. Red blood cells. Essential in cellular respiration. Improves circulation and skin and hair condition.
Nutrient Destroyers :
Absorption inhibited by stress, sugar, tobacco, antibiotics, fever, asprin, cortisone drugs.
Deficiency Symptoms :
Anemia, dry, dull hair, poor circulation and muscle degeneration.