Saturday, March 29, 2008


“Enzymes are not just for digestion”.
”You are what you eat only” paints part of the nutritional picture. Nutrition occurs when the food you eat is digested efficiently so that the body can use the nutrients to build and maintain health at the cellular level. Efficient digestion can only take place in the presence of plentiful amounts of enzymes.

Conditions such as joint pain and gout can be a result of indigested proteins, fats and minerals that form uric acid crystals and get caught in the joints. Yeast or fungal growth can start with indigestion of food in the blood stream and can be compounded by white flour and sugar. Extreme fatigue may also be caused by the inability to digest proteins and fats, which cause blood to have improper circulation.

Enzymes like amylase, protease and lipase will digest carbohydrate, protein and fats respectively. Enzymes like bromelain, betaine hydrochloride, papain and pancreatin help to maintain healthy joints and circulation, besides the digestion of food and absorption of nutrients.
When food is not completely broken down in the intestines, it stays in the intestines to the colon where it feeds the bacteria. Bacteria digestion of food particles then causes gas, abdominal pain, and rumbling of the stomach and the production of haarmful toxins in the colon.

Eating raw fruits and vegetables are encouraged to help digestion. A descrease in intake of processed foods is recommended. Alternatively, enzyme supplements like a multi-enzyme formula or a bromelain, papain, betaine hydrochloride supplement should be used to prevent depletion of the body’s own enzymes.

Everyone can consume the best foods and take the most well balanced nutritional supplement, but if do not digest and absorb well, a less than optimal health will be enjoyed. More and more experts now agree that it’s not what you eat that counts, it is what you absorb!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Friendly Bacteria - Probiotics

Can bacteria possibly be friendly when all lives that have been told they cause disease? Well, bad bacteria do cause problems, but there are many good strains that are essential to health. Of the numerous friendly bacteria that live in intestine, the most mentioned and discussed about are the Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Bifidobacterium bifidum and Bifidobacterium infantis bacteria.

The beneficial actions of these friendly bacteria, also known as Probiotics (the opposite of “antibiotics”) include
- manufacturing B vitamins
- providing the enzyme lactase which allow digestion of milk or milk products
- enhancing digestion and nutrient absorption
- acting as an anti-carcinogenic factor with anti-tumor potential
- controlling and deactivating growth and activity if bad bacteria and viruses
- maintaining bowel function and elimination
- reducing ill effects of antibiotic and radiation therapies
- maintaining immune function
- helping in the development of young children’s gastrointestinal health

Increasing the population of friendly bacteria deters the growth and colonisation of potentially dangerous bacteria by blocking them attaching themselves in gut, effectively thwarting their existence.

There are many probiotics on the market, can choose between powdered and capsule forms. Check the label though to see that the product contain prominent bacteria, namely Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum and Lactobacillus bulgaricus.

Health professionals normally suggest taking one to two billin colony-forming units per dose. And it is better to take probiotic supplement before meal since stomach acid is usually lowest at that time. This aids the friendly bacteria in passing through the stomach and implanting in the intenstine.

Eating commerically-made yoghurt may not be an effective mean of obtaining friendly bacteria, due to the difficulty of ensuring bacterial stability and count.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Liver Aid

Human liver is the most complex and important organ that metabolises and detoxifies everything that is consumed, breathed and absorbed through skin. It is often the “brain” of the physical body and oversees many of the other organs and glands.

Besides emtional stress, many scientists now consider modern stress hamrful to the nerves and immune systems, and especially the liver. This stress comes from an avalanche of toxins - pollutants, X-rays and all other forms of radiation, medications, alcohol, tobacco smoke, toxins in water or vapour absorbed during showering or bathing, excessive intake or poor quality fats, sweets and protein and many more. Most of these toxins produce cumulative side effects to the liver and liver functions.

Studies show that living in an industrial/technological society severely stresses the liver, and almost everyone has liver damage to some extent. As the symptoms of impaired liver function are very general, e.g. fatigue, digestive problems, constipation and allergies, liver damage is often quite severe before it is discovered. This is why it is best to regularly regenerate and strengthen the liver.

Some important nutrients for liver health include the essential amino acids, blood forming elements like vitamin B-12 and liver hydrolysate yielding important nucleosides and nucleotides which act directly on cell metabolism and act together with the essential amino acids to protect liver. Choline and inositol reduce fatty buildup in the liver. Cysteine has detoxifying properties and is useful for liver protection against alcohol abuse.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Arthritis & Rheumatism

There is a difference between arthritis and rheumatism. Inflammatory pain from joint(s) is arthritis; and from tissues around the joints such as tendon, liagament, muscle or bone is rheumatism. These conditions have long been considered to be chronic, degenerative and incurable. Standard medical treatment consists of aspirin, corticosteroidsand other non-steroidal anti-flammatory drugs which alleviate pain. Unfortunately, long term use of these drugs cause side effects like risk of liver and kidney damage, and they exacerbate cartilage breakdown and inhibit the body’s natural repair mechanisms.

There are now several natural substances that may just change all these. While these natural substance sometimes takes lone to show results, but in the long run, they may be just as effective as conventional treatments without the side effects.

Glucosamine & Chondroitin : Both glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate belong to a class of compounds called glycosaminoglycans. Glucosamine furnishes the basic building block of mucopolysaccharides which is the integral components of synovial fluid that form the framework of bones, cartilage, nails, hair and skin. Increased amounts of glucosamine stimulates the activity of specialised cells called chondrocytes. These cells then build the framework of bone cartilage with mucopolysaccharides.

Chondroitin sulfate acts as bait, attracting fluid into the weblike cartilage that covers the bones of the joint. The fluid attracted into the cartilage provides shock absorption for surrounding bones and supplies nutrients to the cartilage, thus supporting its regeneration and growth. Joint cartilage does not possess a blood supply, so its nutritional needs must be met by the fluid surrounding the joint.

Supplemental sources of glucosamine is available in 3 forms : sulfate, hydrochloride and n-acetyl, but glucosamine sulfate has been studied the most. Chondroitin is available in animal tissues such as gristles around joints. Chondroitin works synergistically with glucosamine to prevent premature breakdown of cartilage and stimulate production of new cartilage.

MSM (mehylsulfonylmethane) : This has become popular as a pain reliever for those suffering from arthritis.

MSM is a highly bioavailable source of sulfur, which is one of the prevalent minerals in the body’s physical structure, including protein, collagen, glucosamine, hair, skin and nails. MSM is also the basis of many essential biochemicals and important enzymatic functions. MSM helps to ease inflammation and pain associated with arthritis. Sulfur makes cells more permeable which allows fluid and nutrients to flow more freely through the cell wall, removing toxins in the cell, reducing pain and inflammation and promoting tissue healing.

Besides relief of joint and muscle pain, allegy, parasitic and other inflammatory conditions also respond well to the addition of MSM.

CM (cetyl myristoleate) : It has 3 function capacities. It lubricates joints and muscles, making them soft and pliable. It also acts as an immune system modulator. This may be the reason it has been found to be effective in managing autoimmune diseases such as rheumatiod arthritis, systemic lupus and multiple sclerosis. It mediates inflammatory processes.
Bromelain : This enzyme is a mainstay for treating muscle injuries, but its anti-inflammatory actions also ease arthritic pain. Bromelain breaks down scar tissue, reduces water retention and blocks inflammation.

Bamboosil : This is well known for its high content in silica which helps support and remineralises the bones.

Antioxidants : These are nutrients that stabilise free radials. Free radicals are highly unstable molecules that attack tissues, including joint tissues. Antioxidants prevent free-radical induced tissue damage and resulting inflammation.

Antioxiadnts include OPCs (oligomeric proanthocyanidins), vitamins A, C, E, Zinc, Selemium, etc.
Essential Fatty Acids : The joint inflammation is regulated in large part by essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6. While omega-3 fatty acids prevent the production of pro-inflammatory prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), omega-6 fatty acids help produce the beneficial prostaglandin E1 (PGE1). A balance intake of both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids is necessary.

While many of the supplements mentioned above are beneficial in easing the pain and inflammation often associated with arthritis or rheumatism, their most important role lies in preventing these conditions. Neither arthritis nor rheumatism is inevitable. Daily supplementation of essential nutrients, as well as regular exercise and a healthy diet are integral to overall bone, joint and ligaments health.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Information on Sport Supplements

With the increasing number of scientific breakthroughs and findings in the sports supplement industry, there are more and more products available in the market that seemed to cater to every different type of fitness-related needs. Today's consumers are faced with an extremely wide array and range of sports supplements to choose from. Being so spoilt for choice, it is no wonder that many people are confused over which kind of product to take to suit their own goals.

The following sections will give a clearer idea of which sport supplement is best suited for each individual fitness goal.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Benefits : Strength Gain; Endurance; Muscle Growth; Increased Muscle Recovery

When a body takes part in exercise, a compound in our cells called Adenosine Triphosphate (or ATP) is used to create energy for our working muscles. It releases one of its phosphate molecules to form Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP), and in the process, energy is released for use. Since a human body has a relatively low amount of ATP, it has to convert ADP back to ATP in order to repeat the energy-producing process.

Creatine speeds up this process by giving up its own phosphate molecule to ADP, thus increasing the rate of which ATP is reformed. This ATP is now ready to create energy again. More creatine in our muscles allows us to work out longer and harder, ultimately contributing to gain in strength and muscle size.

Creatine is a natural compound made in our bodies, and can also be found in dietary sources such as meat and fish. However, one has to eat a vast amount of such food in order to absorb a sufficient amount of creatine to make a difference in sports performance. Supplementation is a much easier and more convenient way to take in dietary creatine. Among its different types, Creatine Monohydrate is used extensively in university researches and sports applications.
Creatine Monohydrate is available in tablet, capsule, powder and liquid forms. It can also be bought in the form of a drink mix.

Protein Powders

Benefits : Strength Gain; Muscle Growth; Better Definition & Cut; Increased Metabolic Rate

Protein, derived from the Greek word meaning "Of Prime Importance", is one of the three essential macronutrients needed by our body. Protein is seen as the building block of the human body, as it is used in the formation of contractile tissue or muscle. It also makes up a large part of our cell structure. In short, it is everywhere in our body. We need protein to rebuild our cells and to grow.

Exercise can deplete our protein stores, since our bodies are able to strip our muscle proteins as energy sources. Therefore, those seeking to put on lean bodyweight need to consume an adequate amount of protein to support their lifestyles and build up muscle mass.

Furthermore, ingesting protein can lead to an increased metabolic rate in individuals. Since protein is more metabolically active than carbohydrates or fats, the process of digesting it requires 30% more calories than either both macronutrients.

However, in today's fast-paced and hectic world, it can be quite hard for many to consume enough quality proteins during the course of a day. This is where protein supplementation comes to the rescue. Simply by mixing protein powder with water, milk, juice or any beverage of choice, one can easily increase the total daily amount of protein taken per day. This results in what is known as a 'positive nitrogen balance1, which facilitates in the building up of lean mass.

Protein powders, in general, are low in carbohydrates, and are derived from various sources. However, those that are derived from whey protein, which has shown to have a higher bioavailability then other protein sources such as milk, soy, or egg.

Meal Replacement Powders

Benefits : Proper Nutrition Assurance; Muscle Growth; Strength Gain; Increased Metabolic Rate

Our body needs nutrients in order to grow. In general, the more calories we consume, the higher the growth rate. However, it can be quite hard and uncomfortable to consume so much food in just our regular three meals a day. Furthermore, studies have shown that nutrient absorption by the human body is greater if we were to split up our total daily calories over 4 to 6 smaller meals, rather than eating 3 big ones. Thus, our body is put in an anabolic (building) state due to constant influx of nutrients.

Unfortunately, with the busy lifestyle led by many of us, it is very inconvenient to actually prepare and eat 4 - 6 well-balanced meals throughout the day. There has got to be an easier way of getting meals that are nutrient-dense and high in protein without the inconvenience of cooking and preparation of food. Meal Replacement Powders, or MRPs for short, easily tackles this problem.

MRPs are just as their names imply. Mixed with any liquid of choice, they can be taken in replacement of one or two regular meals. This is a quick and hassle-free way of consuming small, frequent meals throughout the day.

MRPs, in general, contain an optimum macronutrient mix that puts the body in an anabolic state. They are high in protein (30 - 50 grams per serving depending on the brand), provide a medium amount of carbohydrates, and are low in fat. In addition, they provide high amounts of vitamins and essential minerals as well. Without the time & expense of counting calories and cooking food, MRPs are insurance towards proper nutrient intake, and are an invaluable aid for the fitness-seeking individuals.

Weight-Gain Powders

Benefits : Muscle Growth; Weight Gain; Strength Gain; Proper Nutrition Assurance.

Individuals who are seeking to put on lean bodyweight quickly need to consume more calories than what is expanded by their bodies. This surplus of calories consumed usually would require a person to eat a lot more than usual in order to put on weight. However, it can be quite an arduous task to force so much food down the stomach, not to mention the gastronomical discomfort that would usually follow such feedings.

As a result, many people turn to weight-gain powders as a solution to providing their bodies with ample amounts of calories to facilitate muscle growth. Weight-gain powders, depending on product brand, can provide anywhere from 500 to over 2000 quality calories per serving. Mixed with milk or juice, these numbers can rise even higher! Providing high amounts of carbohydrates and protein with low amounts of fat, weight-gain powders is an easy way of ensuring your body has more than enough nutrients for it to grow. After all, it's easier to put in a large amount of calories in the form of a drink rather than eating so much solid food at one go.


Benefits : Muscle Growth; Strength Gain; Increased Muscle Recovery; Anti-Catabolic (i.e. prevent muscle tissue from being broken down to produce energy).

Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the human body. Like other amino acids, glutamine plays a vital role in protein metabolism and muscle recovery by increasing protein synthesis and reducing muscle breakdown. The higher the amount of glutamine in muscle cells, the greater the rate of cell-production. Glutamine is not only utilized by muscle tissue, but also in large quantities by the immune system and by the digestive system as well. However, strenuous exercise can deplete glutamine levels in the human body faster than what we are able to reproduce. This leads to decreased gains in protein synthesis and a lower muscle growth rate.
Glutamine supplementation provides the body with ample amounts of this very important amino acid. Not only does glutamine prevent muscle breakdown, it also creates the proper environment for the body to produce more muscle cells. It shuttles in more fluids into the cells (a process called "cell-volumizing"), which acts as a powerful, anabolic signal for the body to build more proteins.

In short, glutamine is an often-ignored but essential supplement to aid in size and strength gains. It places the body in an optimum state for muscle growth, as well as protects the precious muscles that we have worked so hard for from being torn down for energy.


Benefits : Muscle Growth; Strength Gain; Increased Muscle Recovery; Better Skin Healing Power

ZMA is a unique patent-pending anabolic mineral support formula containing zinc-l-monomethionine, covalently-bound zinc/magnesium aspartate and vitamin B6. It is designed to optimize absorption and availability of zinc and magnesium during peak times of muscle growth and repair.

ZMA has been clinically proven to provide nutritional support for healthy levels of total and free testosterone in active individuals. This equals to an anabolic environment that results in a higher muscle growth rate, as well as a decrease in recovery time between exercise sessions. It also increases strength and power in athletes. Since ZMA is not a pro-hormone or a hormone precursor, it does not adversely affect blood hormone levels. Rather, it naturally supports the body's own anabolic hormone levels.

Zinc and Magnesium can be found in food sources such as oysters, wheat germ and beef liver. Taking ZMA supplementation as directed (usually before bedtime) can significantly increase muscle growth and strength in individuals.


Benefits : Anti-Catabolic; Muscle Growth; Increased Muscle Recovery

HMB, which is short for "beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate", is a metabolite of the amino acid, leucine. HMB is basically an anti-catabolic substance that is used for nitrogen retention in the body. It decreases muscle-protein turnover and works primarily by minimizing protein degradation. This means that HMB prevents muscle tissue breakdown that occurs during strenuous exercise.

Usually when an individual exercises longer or more intensely, muscle catabolism (breakdown) can occur. Thus, the positive gains made by stimulating the muscles can be thwarted by the potential damaging effects of exercising. HMB's anti-catabolic properties work against this by shifting the balance towards anabolic growth. This allows the athlete to work out harder or more often and still reap the due benefits.

HMB can be found in food that we eat, such as grapefruit, catfish and is very abundant in mother's milk. However, it is impractical to consume enough quantities of these food, if at all, and on a regular enough basis to provide the benefits of HMB. Supplementation is the easier and more convenient way to go.

Thermogenic Formulas

Benefits : Fat Loss; Increased Metabolism; Appetite Control; More Energy

Thermogenics are substances that, when taken, raise the body's metabolic rate. It encourages the body to use body-fat as fuel by increasing the rate at which calories are burned to carry out vital functions. Not only do thermogenic supplements increase the amount of calories burnt during exercise, it also increases the body's basal metabolic rate. This means that more energy is used up by the body to carry out its normal routine functions, even when at rest.

Thermogenic supplements are usually made up of a formula of different fat-burning ingredients combined in specific ratios. Although each individual ingredient is effective in its own right in aiding fat loss, stacking them together would create a synergistic effect. Some of the more popular and effective ingredients are used in conjunction with a sensible diet and exercise plan, thermogenic supplements can give an added advantage when it comes to shedding body-fat.


Benefits : Muscle Recovery; Supports Immune Function; Less Bruising; Better Circulatory Health

Free radicals are by-products of cellular activities that can damage other cells or cause stress on the human body. This is especially true for athletes and physically active people. When we exercise, the amount of free radicals produced by our cells is very high. These free radicals attack other cells in our bodies and can cause fatigue, stress, and other damaging effects, which not only impair our performance and recovery rate but also weaken the immune system.

Antioxidants, in the form vitamin C, E, beta-carotene, selenium and glutathione are also very effective in countering the effects of free radicals.

Pine bark and grapseed extracts are a powerful form of antioxidant. The OPCs (oligomeric proanthocyanidins) in these extracts bind itself to collagen fibres in the body, thus improving the elasticity and integrity of your body's connective tissues. Not only does it protect your body from environmental stresses, but it works as an anti-inflammatory agent as well. Pine bark and grapseed extracts provide a wide range of health benefits, of which include the strengthening of blood vessels, overcoming inflammation, and improving joint flexibility. In this, it keeps the circulatory system fit and reduces the risks of circulatory and cardiovascular diseases. The fact that it maintains skin health comes as a welcome bonus.

A good antioxidant formula is an essential part of every active person's nutritional arsenal. Although it does not boast of any sensational athletic gains, it helps that the individual perform at his optimum level by preventing the negative effects of exercise.

General Knowledge : Vitmains and Minerals

What are Vitamins and Minerals?

Vitamins and minerals are micronutrients essential to life, which is much needed in relatively small amounts, functioning as co­enzymes in our body. They are the basic component of enzymes which are vital for all our bodily functions.

In addition, vitamins and minerals have other functions. For example, vitamin E acts as an antioxidant; calcium, magnesium and phosphorus form our bones, and vitamin D regulates the absorption and use of calcium and phosphorus, aiding in the formation of normal bones and teeth.

Vitamins are distinguished as being water-soluble or fat-soluble. Water-soluble vitamins, namely the B vitamins and vitamin C are utilized' by the body once they are absorbed and must be replenished regularly. Fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K, on the other hand, stay in the body for a longer period of time.

Minerals may be classified into two groups: bulk minerals and trace minerals. Bulk minerals are needed in larger amounts and they include calcium, magnesium and phosphorus; the trace minerals are zinc, iron, copper, manganese, chromium, selenium, iodine and potassium, which are stored primarily in bone and muscle tissue.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Information on Minerals

Sources :
Milk, yogurt, cheese, legumes, seeds, bones and bone soups, calcium-fortified foods such as tofu, orange juice and soymilk.

Importance :
Formation and maintenance of bones and teeth. Assists in normal blood clotting,muscle action, nerve and heart function.

Nutrient Destroyers :
Absorption inbited by stress, lack of exercise, magnesium deficiency, lack of hydrochloric acid, diuretics.

Deficiency Symptoms :
Softening of bones, brittle bones, back and leg pain, insomnia, irritability, depression.

Sources :
Whole grains, brewer's yeast, cheese, meats, dark green leafy vegetables.

Importance :
Carbohydrate metabolism and glucose tolerance. Increases effectiveness of insulin. Stimulates enzymes in metabolism of energy.

Nutrient Destroyers :

Level decreases as age increases.

Deficiency Symptoms :
Depressed growth rate, glucose intolerance in diabetics, atherosclerosis.

Sources :
Organ meats, whole grains, nuts, legumes, egg yolk, seafood, mushrooms, blackstrap molasses.

Importance :
Formation of connective tissue and hemoglobin. Aids absorption & transportation of iron. Works with vitamin C to form elastin. Part of many enzymes.

Nutrient Destroyers :

Absorption inhibited by excessive zinc.

Deficiency Symptoms :
General weakness, impaired respiration and skin sores.

Sources :
Blackstrap molasses, raisins, apricots, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, parsley, liver, eggs, red meat.

Importance :
Hemoglobin formation. Protein metabolism. Promotes growth, resistance to disease, improves energy level and condition of teeth, skin, nails and bones.

Nutrient Destroyers :

Absorption inhibited by caffeine, excessive phosphorus or zinc.

Deficiency Symptoms :
Fatigue, anemia, paleness, brittle nails, constipation,difficulty in breathing.

Sources :
Seafood, seaweed, iodized salt.

Importance :
Involved in energy generation and basal metabolism. An important component of the hormone, thyroxine. Necessary for the prevention of goiter. Contributes to healthy hair, skin, nails and teeth.

Nutrient Destroyers :

Absorption inhibited by food processing.

Deficiency Symptoms :
Thyroid disorders, obesity, goiter, irritability, nervousness, dry hair, cold hands and feet.

Sources :
Nuts, dark green leafy vegetables, legumes, whole grains,seafood.

Importance :
Catalyst in utilization of carbohydrates, fats, proteins,calcium,phosphorus and potassium. Essential for energy generation, muscle contraction, bones and teeth formation.

Nutrient Destroyers :
Absorption inhibited by diuretics and alcohol.

Deficiency Symptoms :
Nervousness, tremors, mental confusion, irritability and depression.

Sources :
Wholes grains, nuts, vegetables,fruits.

Importance :
Involved in normal skeletal development. Maintains sex hormone production. Needed for synthesis of mucopolysaccharide for formation of cartilage.

Nutrient Destroyers :
Absorption inhibited by excessive phosphorus and calcium.

Deficiency Symptoms :
Convulsions, dizziness and loss of hearing.

Sources :
Vegetables,tubers,fruits (especially bananas).

Importance :
Maintains cellular pH and fluid balance. Important for muscle functions. Regulates heartbeat, nerve and kidney functions.

Nutrient Destroyers :
Absorption inhibited by sugar, caffeine, diuretics, laxatives, stress, alcohol and cortisone.

Deficiency Symptoms :
Poor reflexes, nervous disorders, irregular pulse, constipation, general weakness and insomnia.

Sources :
Organ meats, meats,fish, milk, cheese, whole grains, legumes (peas), seeds, nuts.

Importance :
Works with calcium to build bones and teeth. Utilizes carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Involved in energy generation and muscle contraction.

Nutrient Destroyers :
Absorption inhibited by sugar,excessive intake of magnesium, aluminum and iron.

Deficiency Symptoms :
Loss of weight and appetite. Irregular breathing, fatigue and nervous disorders.

Sources :
All organic material, of both plants and animals origin. Broccoli, celery,garlic,shiitake mushroom, milk, onions, rhubarb, aloe vera and ginseng.

Importance :
Improves cellular oxygenation. Helps to fight pain, keep the immune system functioning properly, and rids the body of toxins and poisons.

Deficiency Symptoms :
Mood disorder, depression.

Sources :
Garlic, onions, oyster,fish, organ meats, brazil nuts.

Importance :
An antioxidant. Works with vitamin E. Preserves tissue elasticity. Helps defend the body from free radicals and oxidative damage.

Nutrient Destroyers :
Absorption inhibited by food processing.

Deficiency Symptoms :
Premature aging, stamina loss, impaired male sexual function.

Sources :
Whole grains, horsetail herb,alfalfa,bell peppers, soybeans, dark green leafy vegetables.

Importance :
Essential for integrity of connective tissues such as tendons, cartilage and blood vessels. Strengthens bones, teeth, hair and nails.

Nutrient Destroyers :
Lost in the refinement process of food.

Deficiency Symptoms :
Brittle bones, teeth, hair and nails.

Sources :
Vegetables, whole grains, fish.

Importance :
Inhibits cholesterol formation. Important for bone, cartilage and tooth development.

Nutrient Destroyers :
Tobacco decreases uptake of Vanadium.Take vanadium and chromium at different times.

Deficiency Symptoms :
Brittle bones, teeth, hair and nails.

Sources :
Oysters, clams, organ meats, vegetables, whole grains, pumpkin seeds.

Importance :
Component of insulin and male reproductive fluid. Aids digestion and metabolism of phosphorus. Aids healing process. Required for DNA synthesis. Involved in muscle contraction. Needed for metabolism of carbohydrates, alcohol and fatty acids.

Nutrient Destroyers :
Absorption inhibited by alcohol, excessive calcium and excessive sweating.

Deficiency Symptoms :
Retarded growth, delayed sexual maturity, poor wound healing, irregular menses, loss of taste and appetite, diabetes and white spots on fin­gernails.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Information on Vitamins

Vitamin A
Sources :
Liver, green leafy vegetables, green and red bell peppers, fish live oil, egg yolk.

Importance :
Converted in the body into vitamin A, which is essential for good eyesight and night vision, for bone formation and normal body growth of skin and teeth. Acts as an antioxidant.

Nutrient Destroyers :
Absorption inhibited by caffeine, mineral oil, alcohol, excessive iron and vitamin D deficiency.

Deficiency Symptoms :
Night blindness, rough dry, scaly skin, increased susceptibility to infections, loss of appetite, fatigue, insomnia, depression, brittle nails and dull hair.

Vitamin B Complex
Sources :
Whole grains, liver, meat, eggs, nuts, bean, fish, bean, fish, brewer's yeast.

Importance :
Metabolism of carbohydrate, protein and fat. Helps in nervous system function, maintains healthy muscle tone in the intestinal tract, maintains skin, hair, eye, mouth and liver health.

Nutrient Destroyers:
Absorption inhibited by caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, sleeping oils, estrogen drugs, antibiotics and stress.

Deficiency Symptoms :
Dry, rough, cracked skin, acne, dull, dry or grey hair. Fatigue, poor appetite and gastrointestinal health.

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
Sources :
Whole grains, brewer's yeast, meat, legumes (peas), nuts.

Importance :
Metabolism of carbohydrate. Helps maintain healthy nervous system. Stimulates growth and muscle tone. Stabilise the appetite.

Nutrient Destroyers :
Absorption inhibited by caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, stress, fever, raw clams.

Deficiency Symptoms :
Gastrointestinal problems, fatigue, loss of appetite, nervous disorders, heart disorders.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
Sources :
Eggs, organ meats, milk, almonds, mushrooms, seaweed, dark green leafy vegetables.

Importance :
Metabolism of carbohydrate, protein and fat. Aids in formation of antibodies and red blood cells. Maintains cell respiration.

Nutrient Destroyers :
Absorption inhibited by caffeine, alcohol, sugar and tobacco.

Deficiency Symptoms :
Mouth sores and cracks, dermatitis, retarded growth and digestive disturbances.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
Sources :
Brewer's yeast, organ meats, fish, legumes, (peas), whole grains.

Importance :
Metabolism of carbohydrate, protein and fat. Maintains healthy skin, tongue and digestive system. Improves ciriculation.

Nutrient Destroyers :
Absorption inhibited by caffeine, alcohol, sugar and antibiotics.

Deficiency Symptoms :
Nervous disorders, headaches, insomnia, digestive disturbances, sore mouth and gums.

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)
Sources :
Whole grains, legumes (peas), brewer's yeast, egg yolk, organ meats.

Importance :
Release of energy form carbohydrate, protein and fat. Needed for synthesis of steriods and steriod hormones. Improves stress resistance.

Nutrient Destroyers :
Absorption inhibited by caffeine, alcohol and sugar.

Deficiency Symptoms :
Increased susceptibility to infection, gastrointestinal disturbance, depression, fatigue, restlessness and vomiting.

Vitamin B6 (Pyrodoxine)
Sources : Orgain meats, brewer's yeast, whole grains, fish, legumes (peas), bananas, avocados.

Importance :
Promotes amino acid metabolism. Aids synthesis of antibodies. Helps maintain sodium and phosphorus balance.

Nutrient Destroyers :
Absorption inhibited by alcohol, birth control pills, tobacco, caffeine, radiation exposure.

Deficiency Symptoms :
Anemia, mouth disorders, nervousness, muscular weakness, dermatitis, dandruff and water retention.

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamine)
Sources :
Organ Meats, clams, crabs, oysters, eggs and fish.

Importance :
Normal nerve transmission. Aids in metabolism and transport of fats. Helps regulate liver and gallbladder health.

Nutrient Destroyers :
Absorption inhibited by tobacco, caffeine, alcohol and most laxatives.

Deficiency Symptoms :
Fatigue, anaemia, stunted growth in children and nervousness.

Sources :
Egg yolk, organ meats, brewer's yeast, legumes (peas), nuts.

Importance :
Metabolism of carbohydrates, amino acids and fatty acids. Involved in energy generation. Aids utilisation of other B vitamins.

Nutrient Destroyers :
Absorption inhibited by alcohol, caffeine, raw egg white.

Deficiency Symptoms :
Dermatitis, depression, muscle pain, poor fat metabolism and poor appetite.

Sources :
Whole grains, beans, nuts, brewer's yeast, fish, egg yolk, organ meats.

Importance :
DNA synthesis and red blood formation. Maintains healthy nervous system.

Nutrient Destroyers :
Absorption inhibited sugar, alcohol, caffeine.

Deficiency Symptoms :
Fatty liver, high blood pressure and hemorrhaging kidneys.

Folic Acid
Sources :
Brewer's yeast, dark green leafy vegetables, fruits, organ meats.

Importance :
Red blood cell formation and DNA synthesis. Aids metabolism of proteins. Necessary for growth and division of body cells.

Nutrient Destroyers :
Absorption inhibited by stress, alcohol, caffeine, tobacco.

Deficiency Symptoms :
Reproductive disorders, poor growth, anemia, poor memory, graying and loss of hair and gastrointestinal disorders.

Sources :
Citrus fruits, whole grains, nuts, milk, meats, brewer's yeast.

Importance :
Necessary for lecithin formation. Vital for hair growth. Metabolises fats and cholesterol.

Nutrient Destroyers :
Absorption inhibited by sugar, alcohol, caffeine, tobacco.

Deficiency Symptoms :
Constipation, eczema, hair loss, high blood cholesterol.

Sources :
Liver, brewer's yeast. kidney, whole grains, molasses.

Importance :
Promotes healthy intestinal flora and production of folic acid, aids in breakdown and utilisation of proteins. Participates in formation of red blood cells. Acts as a sun screen.

Nutrient Destroyers :
Absorption inhibited by caffeine, alcohol, estrogen drugs, sulfa drugs.

Deficiency Symptoms :
Fatigue, irritability, depression, nervousness, constipation, headaches, digestive disorders, graying hair.

Vitamin C
Sources :
Fruits, tomatoesm green pepper, alfalfa, broccoli.

Importance :
An antioxidant. Needed for collagen formation. Essential for tissue repair. Fights bacteria and viruses. Maintains vascular health, increases iron absorption.

Nutrient Destroyer :
Absorption inhibited by mineral oil, birth control pills, chlorine, rancid fats and oils.

Deficiency Symptoms :
Bleeding gums, slow healingof wounds and fractures, nosebleeds, impaired digestion.

Vitamin D
Sources : Fish liver oil, egg yolk, liver.

Importance :
Regulates calcium and phosphorus absorption an excretion, blood calcium level and bone formation. Maintains stable nervous system and heart action.

Nutrient Destroyers :
Absorption inhibited by mineral oil.

Deficiency Symptoms :
Poor bone and tooth formation, weakening of bones and teeth, stunted growth, lack of vigor, nervousness.

Vitamin E
Sources :
Leaft vegetables, egg yolk, whole grains, wheat germ, seeds and nuts.

Importance :
An antioxidant and anticogulant. Protects fat-soluable vitamin. Red blood cells. Essential in cellular respiration. Improves circulation and skin and hair condition.

Nutrient Destroyers :
Absorption inhibited by stress, sugar, tobacco, antibiotics, fever, asprin, cortisone drugs.

Deficiency Symptoms :
Anemia, dry, dull hair, poor circulation and muscle degeneration.