Saturday, May 24, 2008

Hoya Flower Blooming

After growing for almost 1 year, my hoya kerrii plant has started to grow flower buds. I was overjoyed when the moment I saw a small stick growing out from the stem.

The flower buds took around 1 month to form into bigger buds before the flowers bloom.

The flowers takes 2 days to full bloom. The flowers smell milky.

It is worth to know that the flower shape is typical of hoya plants. Small, flat, star-shaped individual flowers are joined like ribs of an open umbrella to form a cluster that is attached to a spur (single stem) called the peduncle.

Each small flower is made up of two stars, one on top of the other. The so called bottom star (corolla) is larger in size than the upper centered star which is termed the 'corona'. Hoya kerrii has whitish corolla's and reddish corona's. The flowers are very beautiful, waxy, tough and long lasting. All hoya flowers have wonderful fragrances.

I have grown this original hoya kerrii into 3 pots.

I was not able to find out the actual name of this type of hoya plant that I have bought. This hoya plant also originates from Thailand.

The flowers keep blooming non-stop as there are alot of flower buds on the plant.

This is another hoya plant, Hoya Carnosa. This plant is a climbing or trailing perennial of the milkweed family. Trailing stems will climb counterclockwise around wire or other thin trellis-like structures. Stems will also trail from hanging baskets. Its leaves usually are creamy white margins and sometimes a pink tinge.

1 comment:

queenieweenie78 said...

I have had a Hoya for 2 years now and it still hasn't flowered. I remember my mothers flowering a lot. I have had an offcut of hers.
It grows more than an inch a day, yet won't flower. I'm looking forward to the lovely smell and dripping nectar.
I'm I doing something wrong?